As your work environment is viewed as specialist, our job is to assess, support and may also require studying, redesigning, and updating working environments.


Corporate Health Ireland has particular expertise in the area of aviation medicine. One of the partners Dr Sheelagh O’Brien is an Accredited Medical Examiner for the International Aviation Authority and is certified to provide Class 2 aeromedical examinations. We also advise the aviation and associated industries on occupational health and safety matters, including fitness for work, vibration, noise and travel medicine.


Irish law requires a valid certificate of medical fitness before a person can be employed as a diver or is permitted to dive in any diving operation. The certificate may only be issued after a medical examination by a medical examiner of divers who is approved by the Health and Safety Authority in Ireland.  Dr Brian Gallagher is on the HSA list of approved doctors to perform diving medicals.

Detailed information on the Diving Medical can be found in the HSA document ‘Guidance on the Medical Assessment of Divers’ on the HSA website.

Fitness to dive medicals must be completed at least annually or more frequently if specified by the medical examiner of divers. The Authority and the Health and Safety Executive (United Kingdom) have a mutual recognition agreement of doctors approved to carry out diving medical examinations and diving medical testing.


Corporate Health Ireland has specialist doctors who are experienced, familiar and up to date with all medical aspects of driver licensing. All our doctors are thoroughly familiar with the standards that apply not only nationally in Ireland but also internationally and keep abreast of all the latest developments in the medical aspects of driver licensing as this is a rapidly changing area.

We advise not only on whether the driver can do the job but also on the level of risk to themselves or to the public that might arise from any medical condition, and we advise the driver and the employer on whether they meet the medical licensing criteria.

Environmental Risk Assessment:

Environmental medicine is the study of the impact of human activity on the environment. At Corporate Health Ireland we have amassed unique experience in the assessment of environmental impact.  Dr Martin Hogan has contributed to projects on roads, airport runways, railways, landfills, incinerators and other waste handling facilities.

We can assist you with environmental impact assessments on human health and we have specialist expertise presenting evidence at oral hearings.

Fire Crew / Emergency Response Team:

Corporate Health Ireland is uniquely skilled in performing medical assessments at pre-employment and for periodic health surveillance using National and International Standards and best pracice. The medicals typically consist of:

  • Full medical assessment
  • Fitness testing by Chester Step Test or Beep test
  • Back and hand grip strength testing
  • Audiometry
  • Keystone vision test
  • Spirometry

Health Care Work:

Health Care workers are exposed to many job hazards. The Health sector is one of the largest employers in the country and has a substantial proportion of female staff.  Health care workers face a wide range of hazards in the job including needle stick injuries, back injuries, latex allergy, violence and stress.

Most Health Care organizations now have a range of policies and standard operating procedures to help them address hazards in the health care sector.  We can advise you with regards to an appropriate policy and procedure for your workplace.

Preventable infectious illness: Effective vaccines are now available for a wide range of infectious illness which are common in the health care sector including influenza, hepatitis B, hepatitis A, VZV (chicken pox), MMR and others.

Tuberculosis: There is an increased risk of Tuberculosis in parts of the Health Care sector.  We advise on compliance with the latest guidelines on prevention of TB and BCG vaccination for at risk workers.

Stress: This is an increasing problem in the health care sector. Many organisations are now utilizing stress audits and stress management programmes as a means of addressing the problem. We can advise you on all aspects of stress management for your organisation.

Offshore (Oil and Gas UK):

The UK Offshore industry requires that all persons working offshore be certified as medically fit to do so.  Oil and Gas UK (OGUK) publish medical guidelines setting out what is considered to be good practice regarding the assessment of the health of persons working or intending to work offshore, and guidance on the implications of various medical conditions on fitness to do so.  All assessments under these guidelines must include a personal examination by examining physician who is approved by OGUK.  Corporate Health Ireland has doctors who are on the OGUK Register of Examining Doctors.

The OGUK Medical Certificate (unrestricted) is accepted by the Norwegian and Dutch authorities for Offshore work in their sectors.

At Corporate Health Ireland we also work closely with the National Maritime College of Ireland


The Merchant Shipping (Medical Examinations) Regulations 2014 make it a legal requirement for any seafarer, as defined in the Regulations, to hold a valid certificate attesting to their medical fitness for the work for which they are employed. This is to reduce risks to other crew members and for the safe operation of the ship, as well as to safeguard their personal health and safety.

Approved Doctors are required to determine a seafarer’s fitness by reference to the statutory medical and eyesight standards set out in the Regulations

Medical fitness certificates are issued by an Approved Doctor in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations.

The Seafarer ENG11 Medical can only be performed by a doctor appointed by the Maritime Safety Directorate and both Brian Gallagher and Dr Martin Hogan at Corporate Health Ireland are approved for this purpose.

Further information:

Shoulder width measurement

Dr Brian Gallagher is licenced to perform the “bi-deltoid shoulder width measurement” for travel in helicopters in the UK.  This is a Civil Aviation Authority requirement in the UK to allocate seating on helicopters according to shoulder width measurement.  It is separate from and not a requirement for the OGUK Medical although in practice in future they are likely to be performed at the same time.  A separate shoulder width measurement certificate will be issued on completion of the test.

Wind turbine medicals

Corporate Health Ireland is uniquely skilled at performing Wind Turbine Medicals for land-based, near offshore and far offshore installations. We can provide a certificate of proof of fitness to work in accordance with RenewableUK Medical Fitness to Work–Wind Turbines Guidelines, for individuals at near offshore and land based projects.

What’s Involved?

  • Following the assessment a Medical Certificate of fitness for work will be issued.
  • A satisfactory medical certificate is valid for two years and combines the following tests as part of our examination process.
  • Completion of Patient Questionnaire
  • Urinalysis – routine urine test with immediate result
  • BMI – measurement of height, weight and calculation of Body Mass Index
  • Visual acuity (near and distance) and visual fields test
  • Pulse and Blood Pressure Measurement
  • Lung Function Test (spirometry)
  • Audiogram (hearing test)
  • ECG
  • Chester Step Test (for aerobic fitness capacity)
  • Consultation with a doctor